English-Spanish Bioinformatics Dictionary


  • accessory: accesorio
  • accessory gene: el gene accesorio
  • accessory genome: el genome accesorio
  • activator: activador
  • adapter: adaptador
  • adenine: adenina (f)
  • advanced: avanzado
  • algorithm: algoritmo (m)
  • alignment: alineamiento
  • allele: alelo (m)
  • allelic heterogeneity: la heterogeneidad alélica
  • alphoid DNA (α DNA): ADN alfoide
  • alzheimer: alzhéimer
  • amplicon: amplicón
  • amplicon sequencing:
  • amplification:
  • analysis: análisis (m)
  • analytic:
  • aneuploid:
  • annotation:
  • anomaly:
  • antibiotic:
  • antibiotic resistance:
  • application:
  • applied mathematics: matemática aplicada
  • architectural proteins:
  • artificial intelligence: inteligencia artificial
  • assembly:
  • atom: átomo (m)
  • autosomal:
  • autosome: autosoma


  • bacteria:
  • base:
  • base pair: el par de base
  • big data:
  • biochemistry: la bioquímica (f)
  • bioinformatics: bioinformática (f)
  • bioinformatics project: el proyecto de bioinformática
  • biology: biología (f)
  • bisulfite sequencing:
  • burden:


  • calling:
  • cancer: cáncer (m)
  • capsule:
  • cDNA:
  • cell: célula (f)
  • centromere:
  • chemistry: química (f)
  • chloroplast:
  • chromatid:
  • chromatin:
  • Chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP):
  • chromosome: cromosoma (m)
  • classification:
  • clevage amplified polymorphic sequences (CAPS):
  • cluster:
  • clustering:
  • codon:
  • cohesive end site (cos site):
  • command line: línea de comandos
  • common:
  • comparative genomic hybridization (cGH):
  • compare:
  • comparison:
  • complementary:
  • complementary DNA (cDNA):
  • complex:
  • complexity:
  • computational: computacional
  • computational biology:
  • conjugative transposons:
  • consensus sequence:
  • contig:
  • copia elements:
  • copy number variations (CNVs):
  • core gene:
  • core genome:
  • cosmid:
  • cost:
  • coverage:
  • CpG island:
  • create:
  • crossover (crossing over):
  • current:
  • cytosine: citosina (f)
  • cytogenetics:


  • data: datos (m/pl)
  • data analysis: el análisis de datos
  • database: base de datos (f)
  • data set:
  • decision:
  • decision tree:
  • degradome sequencing:
  • deletion: deleción
  • denaturation:
  • de novo:
  • diploid:
  • direct repeat sequence:
  • disease:
  • diseased:
  • divide and conquer:
  • DNA: ADN(Ácido desoxirribonucleico)
  • DNA extraction: extracción de ADN
  • DNA profile: perfil de ADN
  • DNA repair: reparación del ADN
  • DNA replication: replicación de ADN
  • DNA sample: muestra de ADN
  • DNA sequencing: secuenciación de ADN
  • DNA strand: cadena de ADN
  • DNA synthesis: síntesis de ADN
  • domain shuffling:
  • dominant:
  • dose:
  • duplication: duplicación
  • dynamic programming: programación dinámica


  • embryo:
  • enhancer:
  • enzyme:
  • epigenetic:
  • error:
  • evolutionary:
  • execute: ejecutar
  • existing:
  • exome:
  • exon:
  • exosome:
  • expressed sequence tags (ESTs):
  • expression:
  • extract:


  • factor:
  • family:
  • favorable:
  • feature:
  • filtering:
  • frameshift mutation:
  • functional cloning:
  • fusion:


  • gamete:
  • gene: gene (m), gen (m)
  • gene-by-gene schema:
  • gene editing:
  • gene expression: la expresión génica
  • gene expression level:
  • gene mapping:
  • gene ontology:
  • gene prediction: la predicción de genes
  • gene regulation: regulación génica
  • genetic map:
  • genetics: genética (f)
  • genome: genoma (m)
  • genome assembly: el montaje del genoma
  • genome editing:
  • genomics:
  • genotype:
  • genotyping by sequencing:
  • germline:
  • global:
  • global alignment: alineamiento global
  • graph:
  • greedy:
  • guanine: guanina (f)
  • gypsy elements:


  • hairpin sequence:
  • haploid:
  • haplotype:
  • hAT Elements:
  • health: salud
  • healthy: saludable
  • helitrons:
  • heterochromatin:
  • heteroduplex:
  • heteroplasmy:
  • heterozygous:
  • high:
  • histone:
  • homing endonucleases:
  • homologous:
  • homoplasmy:
  • homopolymer tail:
  • homozygous:
  • horizontal gene transfer (HGT):
  • human genome: genoma humano
  • human genome project:
  • hybridization:


  • in silico:
  • indel:
  • inheritance:
  • insertion:
  • insertion sequence elements (IS elements):
  • install:
  • installation: instalación
  • interferon:
  • intein:
  • integron:
  • intron:
  • inversion: inversión
  • inverted repeat sequence:
  • invertrons:
  • isolation:


  • karyogram:
  • karyotype:
  • kilobase:


  • library:
  • LINE:
  • lineage:
  • linear plasmid:
  • linkage:
  • liquid:
  • lncRNA sequencing:
  • local:
  • local alignment: alineamiento local
  • location:
  • loci:
  • locus:
  • locus heterogeneity:
  • log:
  • logging:
  • long interspersed nuclear element (LINE): uzun, serpiştirilmiş nüklear eleman
  • low:
  • LTR retro transposons:


  • machine learning:
  • mapping:
  • mask:
  • mass spectometry:
  • medical:
  • membrane:
  • merge:
  • metabolomics:
  • metagenome:
  • metagenome sequencing:
  • metagenomics:
  • method: método (m)
  • methylation:
  • microarray:
  • microbiology:
  • microsatellite:
  • microsatellite repeat:
  • miniature invert repeat transposable element (MITE):
  • missense mutation:
  • mitochondrion:
  • mitochondria:
  • mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA):
  • molecular: molecular
  • monocistronic mRNA:
  • monosomy:
  • mosaic:
  • mosaic gene:
  • motif:
  • messenger RNA (mRNA):
  • mRNA sequencing:
  • multilocus sequence typing (MLST):
  • multipartite genome:
  • multiple sequence alignment: alineamiento múltiple de secuencias
  • mutation: mutación (f)
  • mutator-like transposable elements (MULEs):


  • nongenetic:
  • nonsense mutation:
  • normalization:
  • nucleic acid:
  • nucleosome:
  • nucleotide: nucleótido (m)
  • nucleus: nucleo (m)


  • oligonucleotide:
  • open reading frame (ORF):
  • operating system: el sistema operativo
  • operator:
  • operon:
  • organelle:
  • organism: organismo (m)


  • P1 derived artificial chromosome:
  • package:
  • palindrome:
  • palindromic sequence:
  • pan genome:
  • pan genome multilocus sequence typing (pgMLST):
  • parallel:
  • pathogenicity island:
  • pathway:
  • performance:
  • phenotype:
  • phenotypic:
  • phosphoric acid: ácido fosfórico
  • phylogenetic: filogenético
  • phylogenetic tree: árbol filogenético(m)
  • physical map:
  • pipeline:
  • plasmid:
  • platform: plataforma (f)
  • point mutation:
  • polar mutation:
  • polyadenylation:
  • polymerase chain reaction (PCR):
  • polygenetic:
  • pneumonia:
  • post transcription gene silencing:
  • primer:
  • probe:
  • processor:
  • project: proyecto (m)
  • prokaryote:
  • promoter:
  • protein: proteína (f)
  • protein-protein interactions (PPI): interacciones proteína-proteína
  • proteome:
  • proteomics:
  • pseudo:
  • pseudogene:
  • purine: purina
  • pyrimidine: pirimidina


  • quality: kalite


  • rare:
  • raw data:
  • read depth:
  • reading:
  • read pair:
  • recessive:
  • recombinant:
  • recombinant DNA:
  • recombination:
  • reference:
  • reference genome:
  • regression:
  • remove:
  • replication:
  • replicon:
  • replisome:
  • repressor:
  • resistance:
  • response:
  • retron:
  • ribosomal RNA (rRNA):
  • ribosome:
  • risk:
  • RNA: ARN


  • sample:
  • sampling:
  • satellite chromosome:
  • scaffold:
  • scaffolding:
  • scalability:
  • search:
  • segmental duplication:
  • semi-supervised learning:
  • sense strand:
  • sequence: secuencia(f)
  • sequence alignment: el alineamiento de secuencias
  • sequencing:
  • sex:
  • sexual: sexual
  • sex chromosome:
  • shell:
  • short interspersed nuclear element (SINE): kısa, serpiştirilmiş nüklear elemanlar
  • shuttle vector:
  • side effect:
  • silencer:
  • single cell sequencing (SCS):
  • single locus sequence typing (SLST):
  • single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP):
  • small RNA sequencing:
  • somatic: somatico
  • somatic mutation:
  • sorting:
  • species: especie(f)
  • split read:
  • start codon:
  • statistics: estadística(f)
  • stop codon:
  • strain:
  • subspecies:
  • substitution matrix: matriz de sustitución
  • supervised learning:
  • suppressor:
  • syndrome:


  • targeted region sequencing:
  • targeted RNA sequencing:
  • taxonomy:
  • technology: tecnología (f)
  • telomere:
  • the cancer genome atlas:
  • therapy:
  • thymine: timina (f)
  • tobacco mosaic virus:
  • tool: herramienta (f)
  • total RNA sequencing:
  • trans splicing:
  • transcript:
  • transcription:
  • transcription factor binding site:
  • transcriptome:
  • transcriptomics:
  • transduction:
  • transformation:
  • transformation-competent artificial chromosome (TAC):
  • translation:
  • translocation:
  • transposon:
  • trisomy:
  • tumor:
  • twintron:


  • uniparental disomy:
  • unsupervised learning:


  • valid:
  • validity:
  • variable:
  • variant:
  • variant calling format (vcf):
  • vector:
  • virulence:
  • virus:
  • virus induced gene silencing:
  • visualization:
  • VNTR:


  • whole exome sequencing (WES):
  • whole genome:
  • whole genome duplication:
  • whole genome multilocus sequence typing (wgMLST):
  • whole genome sequencing (WGS):
  • workflow:


  • yeast:

  • yeast artificial chromosome (YAC):


  • zygote: