The efficiency of algorithms

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Time complexity

  • Multiple variables can be found in your runtime.

    • O(whp)
    • i.e. O(AB) for A: for B: end: end
  • We drop the constants in runtime.

    • O(2N) = O(N)
  • Drop the non-dominant terms.

    • O(N^2+ N) = O(N^2)
  • When there is no established relationship between N and M, so we have to keep both variables in there.

    • O(M + N) = O(M + N)


$$ Big\ O $$

  • An upper bound on the runtime.
  • The algorithm is at least as fast as the given time.

$$ Big\ Omega\ (\Omega) $$

  • A lower bound on time.
  • The algorithm won’t be faster than the given time.

$$ Big\ Theta\ (\Theta) $$

  • If the algorithm is both big Omega and big O.

Description of runtime for an algorithm: Best, worst, and expected cases

  • There is no particular relationship between the concepts.
  • They describe the big O or (big theta) time for particular inputs or scenarios.
  • Upper, lower, and tight bounds for the runtime.

Space complexity

  • The amount of memory required by an algorithm.

Amortized time complexity

  • When an algorithm has a very bad time complexity only once in a while beside the time complexity that happens most of the time.
    • i.e. When the array is fulfilled, the cost of insertion is in O(n). Otherwise, the cost is O(1).
  • Average time is taken per operation if you do many operations.
  • Ref

Log N runtimes

  • When you see a problem where the number of elements gets halved each time, that will likely be an O(log N) runtime.
    • Logic: How many times we can multiply 1 by 2 until we get N?
      • i.e. No. elements = 8 => No. elements 4 => No. elements 2 => No. elements 1 (3 times)

Recursive runtimes

  • When you have a recursive function that makes multiple calls, the runtime will often look like O(branches ^ depth), where branches are the number of times each recursive call branches.

Big O examples


Prime numbers: If n is divisible by a number greater than its square root, then it’s divisible by something smaller than that. O(sqrt(n))



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