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class Employee:
 raise_percent = 1.05 # class variable
 num_emp = 0 # keep the number of employees
 def __init__(self, name, last, age, pay): = name # instance variable
  self.last = last
  self.age = age = pay
  Employee.num_emp += 1
 def fullname(self):
  print(f"{} {self.last}")

 def apply_raise(self): = * self.raise_percent
  ## or
  # = * Employee.raise_percent # !!

 def set_raise(cls, amount):
  cls.raise_percent = amount
 def from_string(cls, emp_str):
  name, last, age, pay = emp_str.split('-')
  return cls(name, last, int(age), float(pay))

 def holiday_print(day):
  if day == 'weekend':
   print('This is an off day')
   print('This is not an off day')
emp_1 = Employee("James", "Hughes", "32", 5000)
emp_2 = Employee("Charlie", "Brown", "22", 3000)

print(emp_1.__dict__) # {'name':'James', ...}

emp_1.experience = 10 # it only adds this instance not the remaining instance of the class

Employee.raise_percent = 1.06 # class uzerinden guncelledigimiz icin diger instancelari da guncellenir

emp_1.raise_percent = 1.07 # bu guncellemiyor aksine emp_1.experienceteki gibi yeni bir sey yaratacak

Employee.set_raise(1.06) # instance uzerinden de yapilabilirdik

emp_1 = Employee.from_string('James-Hughes-32-5000')
emp_1.holiday_print('working day')

Class variable vs. Instance variable

  • Instance variable: Classtan yaratilan objelerin kendilerine ozgu degiskenleri

  • Class variable: Classtan yaratilan tum objelerde paylasilan degiskenler

Class method vs. Static method

  • @classmethod decorator methods take class instead of an instance as the first argument


  • It is called when a class is instantiated.
  • It is similar to __init__
  • It is a static method.
  • Precedence __new__ > __init__
from collections import namedtuple

Node = namedtuple('Node', 'val left right')
Node.__new__.__defaults__ = (Node,) * len(Node._fields)
Node() # Node(val=None, left=None, right=None)